Gold Investment

Why Preppers Should Invest in Gold and Silver

You may have heard some people referred to as “doomsday preppers,” survivalists, homesteaders or simply planners. Each of these terms signifies someone who prepares for potential disasters.

If you fall into this category, it’s important that you consider adding precious metals to your stockpile. While food, water, ammo and other necessities are important, they aren’t all that a person will ever need. In fact, gold and silver could prove just as invaluable if SHTF (sh*t hits the fan).

The following guide will give you a better idea of why gold, silver and preppers all go hand in hand. By the time you’re done reading, buying precious metals will seem like any other survival necessity you’ve learned. Rest assured: there’s a good reason for that.

Benefits of Gold and Silver for Preppers

We all know the benefits of having cans of gasoline or shelves of canned goods stocked away “for a rainy day.” You might now wonder what the benefits of gold and silver for preppers are. After all, these metals don’t provide food, water, fire or shelter.

In many cases, though, they can provide much more. Here are just a few of the benefits preppers secure with precious metals.

Gold and Silver Are Discreet Preps

Anyone can see when you build an underground shelter on your property. The local box store employees certainly see you walk out with droves of survival gear. Even workers at supermarkets might take notice of you leaving with 20 bulk food items.

This can tip off others of your stockpiles, and that might not be a good thing if SHTF. When you buy precious metals online, though, you don’t have to worry about this. You don’t even have to report you own the items unless you sell them for a profit.

Gold and silver are prepper stalwarts because no one has to know you have them.

Precious Metals Safeguard Against Inflation

While this guide will go more in-depth regarding inflation, it’s important to recognize this benefit early on. Inflation is a constant threat that occurs far more frequently than any disaster, unrest or emergency. Fortunately, precious metals have historically proven to be a safeguard against this peril.

Continued Transactions

If something happens that seriously devalues currency, precious metals can prove invaluable. This is even the case if an unexpected event blocks access to banks and other finances. Even if you don’t have a single cent in your pocket, you’ll find people willing to barter for your precious metals.

Keep in mind that it’s unlikely gold and silver will ever outpace currency as a method of payment. If it does, however, you’ll have prepared for it. Additionally, the value of these metals typically increase as inflation rises. This means you’ll be able to sell at higher profits and thus accumulate more currency.

Precious Metals Have Universal Value

It doesn’t take a major disaster to show how invaluable gold and silver are. The devaluation of the dollar is enough to prove this point. Foreign countries may one day not place as much value in American currency. Fortunately, precious metals hold universal value.

This means even if the U.S. Dollar’s value drops significantly, the entire world will still recognize the value of your gold and silver stash.

Preppers, Gold and Silver: A Match Made in Heaven

There are many reasons people should invest in precious metals. For many folks, it’s all about buying low and selling high. Maximizing profit is the name of the game for these individuals. With gold, silver and preppers, though, the stakes couldn’t be any higher.

These precious metals are an insurance policy. They’re a resource that can ensure continued financial stability. Even a small stockpile of gold and silver bullion can provide a safety net that promises the ability to secure essentials should the worst ever come to fruition.

There’s no guarantee that you’ll even encounter a significant disaster. If you end up going through such an experience, though, you’ll feel blessed to have invested before the bottom fell out.

Precious Metals and Inflation

We briefly touched on inflation in the last section, but this subject is so important that it warrants further discussion. We’re unlikely to see a massive asteroid hit the earth, and a zombie apocalypse is laughably unlikely. Even long-term shutdowns from natural disasters are rare.

When you look at inflation, though? There’s no denying that it’s a looming and persistent threat. Inflation calculators show the true seriousness of the issue. Even if you only look back to 1980, an item that cost $100 back then would set you back around $330 in 2021.

Take a look at how gold performed during major periods of American inflation. This will help you understand why precious metals and preppers are a match made in heaven.

  • 1972-1973: American inflation went from 3.4% to 8.7% over a single year. During this time, an ounce of gold’s value jumped from $63 to $106.
  • 1978-1979: Inflation in America had an annual increase from 9% to 13%. An ounce of gold saw its value jump from $226 to $512 during this time.
  • Early 1980s: The U.S. saw inflation rise by almost 15%. Gold hit $666.75 during this time — a factor of 15 increase.
  • 1986-1987: American consumers watched inflation quadruple in just a year. During that time, gold’s price jumped over 20 percent.
  • Mid-2021: Amid a continuing pandemic, inflation climbed to a 13-year high in 2021. For the first time in history, gold neared the $2,000 mark per ounce.

It doesn’t take an apocalyptic event to change everything. That’s why gold and silver for preppers is an increasingly popular topic. Whether you’re investing in gold bars or silver collectible coins, you’re storing value that may prove invaluable if things go downhill.

And though these historic events focus on the price of gold, it’s important to not forget silver in the mix. During the 1970s, the price of silver jumped massively among economic and international fears. The U.S. Mint also saw shortages of the precious metal during COVID-19.

Inflation can occur whether or not the world is coming to a halt. This is a primary reason every prepper stockpile should include gold and silver.

Gold and Silver for Preppers Is the Right Move

While a major apocalyptic event is always a possibility, this is far from all that humans have to worry about. Economic recessions, rolling blackouts, market instability and increasing extreme weather are all very real dangers we could face on any given day.

While we should always hope for the best, preparing for the worst is an essential survival requirement. And since paper money and most coin currency can easily lose value, gold and silver for preppers goes together like coffee and sunrise.

If you’re ready to start investing in your future — or build an enviable survival cache — the time to buy precious metals is now. Review our Gold and Silver Blog today to learn more about these investments. And when you’re ready, check out what we offer at Silver Gold Bull.

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At Silver Gold Bull, our content is researched, written, edited and reviewed by a team of financial experts with decades of experience in the precious metals industry. With each piece we write, we bring our own personal experience and expertise, while combining that with today's leading research and data. Our ultimate goal is to help extend our award-winning customer service to our educational content. Ultimately, we want you to feel comfortable and informed when making investment decisions, regardless of whether that is with us or not. Thank you for being part of the Silver Gold Bull community. We really appreciate and value your trust in us.

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